wiba's reading time
Our wibas magazine covers topics around New Work and Agility. We present professional content and experiences and allow ourselves to be ironic and critical from time to time.
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wibas magazine goes digital
Unlike the four previous editions, the fifth will be published digitally, gradually, two to three times a year - as a newsletter with references to our blog.
More Analogization? More Digitalization?
With all the digitalization, isn't the working world crying out for analogization - in other words, the rediscovery the things that have been lost to us in the mechanization of the working world? This is the subject of issue 04/18.
We are agile! Really?
In issue 03/17, we explore the question of what is truly agile. We show customer projects, venture an overview of the multitude of agile models - and discuss fault tolerance, personal responsibility and agile strategy.
Digitalization. That's what issue 02/15 is all about.
Scaling Agile
Agile scaling is on everyone's lips. In the 01/15 issue of the wibas magazine we present professional content and experiences.
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