Scrum Compact
All artifacts, roles and events of Scrum compiled in a pocket format – that is Scrum Compact.
Your faithful companion in Scrum projects
Scrum Compact is a compact version of the current Scrum guide. It aligned with our Scrum Poster. It is supplemented by helpful checklists. Its handy DIN A6 format makes it a faithful companion in your Scrum projects and will always be in your pocket.
Scrum Kompakt (german)
Scrum Compact (english)
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Scrum: the agile framework for developing solutions to complex problems. Creates more value in less time.
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Learn Scrum in an interactive workshop - with certificate from the Scrum Alliance.
Scrum Master
Do you want a team to pick up speed quickly? But you don't have a Scrum Master right now? We can help you.
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