wibas references
Our customers are the best reference for us
For over 25 years, our customers have relied on our expertise. A
small excerpt of our wibas references from agile transformations,
coaching, workshops, trainings as well as management and change
Strategy development at E-T-A
Success Story: E-T-A and wibas design a participative and agile strategy process. Read why this was good.
Agile product development at Merck KGaA
Success Story: wibas supports a team of the company Merck KgaA. Learn here how we established a strategic agile product development and why it was good.
Successfully change
We support you in making the change process in your organization agile and sustainable.
Kanban Service Team - a development journey
Success Story: Kanban trainer Julia helped our service team to develop into a self-organized team with Kanban Board. This raised the awareness for continuous improvement.
Agile Transformation
The digitalization of our economy is leading to rapid changes in many business models and markets. Many organizations are striving for agility in their ways of working. We can shape this with an Agile Transformation. The key principle is to start small, scale up slowly and improve continuously.