
Product and service strategy: Successful alignment for sustainable success

A clearly defined product and service strategy is the key to long-term success. It helps to better understand the needs of the market and create offers that inspire customers while making the best possible use of  resources. However, implementing this strategy is often more complex than it seems at first glance.  Are you struggling to set the right priorities or react flexibly to market changes too? Here is how to develop a clear strategy that ensures long-term success.

What is a clearly defined product and service strategy?

A clear product and service strategy precisely defines which products or services a company offers, how they are positioned on the market and which target groups they should appeal to. It focuses on the most important value propositions that a company offers its customers and creates a direction that guides all decisions on product development, innovation and market launch. A well-thought-out strategy helps companies to use their resources effectively, identify market requirements at an early stage and offer products or services that secure competitive advantages in the long term.


One of the biggest challenges many companies face is recognizing and responding quickly to ever-changing market demands and customer needs. Without a comprehensive view of your entire product portfolio, it can be easy to make decisions in isolation - without taking advantage of the valuable synergies that exist within the company or considering long-term market trends.

Another obstacle you may be familiar with is internal silos. Departments often work at cross-purposes, making alignment difficult and hindering the development of a truly integrated strategy. If these problems sound familiar, you're not alone - but there are ways to overcome these hurdles.

Overcoming the hurdles to a successful product and service strategy

Companies can successfully master the challenges of a clear product and service strategy by adopting a structured and practical approach.

Anticipation of market requirements

It is crucial to recognize current and future customer needs at an early stage and integrate them into the strategy in order to be able to react flexibly to changes. 

Holistic view of the portfolio

A comprehensive view of the entire product and service portfolio enables synergies to be exploited and strategic decisions to be made on a broader basis.

Overcoming silos 

Cross-departmental collaboration is crucial in order to develop an integrated strategy. Workshops and methods promote the exchange and coordination between departments;

Long-term planning despite pressure to innovate 

Innovations should be implemented in a targeted and sustainable manner without losing sight of long-term competitiveness. 

Securing the ability to deliver

A flexible and robust delivery capability must be guaranteed in order to meet current requirements and anticipate future developments.

We successfully support our clients by adapting our broad toolbox of methods and techniques such as Design Thinking, Customer Journey Mapping, Lean Portfolio Management, Objectives and Key Results (OKR), Roadmapping, cross-functional workshop formats and much more to your specific challenges.

Would you like to develop more clarity through product and service strategies?

Contact us or make an appointment. We are Timo Foegen, Yvonne Fischer, Tina Eisoldt, Daniel Votta and Lutz Koch. We look forward to getting to know your challenges.

Your contact person:

Malte Foegen

wibas GmbH

Malte Foegen

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 5033490