
Ultimate Scrum Guide

The Ultimate Scrum Guide is for everyone who wants to apply Scrum and is looking for a book that presents the important information in a concisec way. In version 3.0 we have completely revised the book according to the current Scrum guide.

Companion for daily work

This book is designed to read from front to back, but also by jumping to specific topics. Each page is complete in its own way, so you can incrementally work through the book, skip pages, or come back when the need in your team arises. The Ultimate Scrum Guide is thought to be a book that stays on your desk - to be picked up when you have a question or want details e.g. on a technique. It is a book, in which you make notes and which you use to explain. We think it is the only Scrum book you will need. That's why we call it the Ultimate Scrum Guide. This book is aligned with our Scrum Poster .

The Ultimate Scrum Guide 3.0 (german)

The Ultimate Scrum Guide 3.0 (german)

The Ultimate Scrum Guide is an easy to read book about Scrum. This book is designed to read from front to back, but also by jumping to specific topics.
x 34.95 €

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