
Planning Poker Cards

The wibas Planning Poker cards help your team to estimate effort quickly and realistically.

Properly estimate effort as a team

In Planning Poker, the team collectively estimates the effort for a set of tasks (or requirements, user stories, or similar). Each task is briefly explained. Then each participant estimates how long it will take to implement it and places the card with the corresponding value from their Planning Poker deck in front of them. The cards remain face down until all participants have given their estimate. Then everyone turns over the cards. Discrepancies are discussed and the team approaches a consensus in further rounds. Then it's the turn of the next task.

English and German

The card deck comes with German and English instructions.

Planning Poker Card Deck

Planning Poker Card Deck

This deck includes 4 sets of estimation cards and instructions for Planning Poker in English and German.
x 11.90 €

Planning Poker: an agile implementation of the Delphi method

Planning Poker can be used independently of the use of agile methods in any project team that needs to estimate effort. In addition to the card set you will receive a short introduction to Scrum

Order information

  • The price quotations are subject to change.

  • All prices include statutory value added tax.

  • Price within Germany including packing and shipping.

  • Prices for international shipping and higher quantities on request.

  • You will receive an invoice.

  • Shipping and invoicing are done in the name and on account (in Euro) of wibas GmbH, Darmstadt.

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wibas GmbH

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Otto Hesse St. 19B

64293 Darmstadt


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