High-Performing Organization

We design customer-oriented organizations that have the capability to deliver

The ability to deliver and customer focus are crucial characteristics for the success of any company. When teams and departments work together reliably and effectively, products and services are delivered on time. Focusing on customer needs creates trust and strengthens long-term relationships. These factors enable competitive advantages, a stable market position and sustainable growth.

Start your path to greater delivery capability.

We are happy to support you in making your organization more capable of delivering. Send us an e-mail and we will be happy to call you back. Or make an appointment directly.

What do we mean by delivery capability?

Organizations want to satisfy their customers' needs by delivering products or services that benefit their customers - quickly, flexibly and with good quality. In doing so, organizations must react appropriately to changes in customer needs and deliver modified or new products or services in a timely manner. The ability to deliver is the prerequisite for organizations to fulfill their purpose, to be viable in the market and to remain so even in the face of constantly changing conditions.

And what does delivery capability and customer focus mean?

When we support organizations in becoming more performant and customer-oriented, we look at a range of topics. The aim is always to start with your organization where it is today and to jointly identify and take the next steps towards greater delivery capability.

leadership development for high performing organizationens: 
lead and support the high performing organization

Management development

In order to increase delivery capability and customer focus in your organization, your managers must provide employees with a framework for this. In addition to traditional management skills, they also need a range of methods and frameworks that support delivery capability;

Your managers also need a mindset to support the key values and principles that are part of delivery capability.

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Effective corporate strategy and portfolio management

To achieve real delivery capability, everyone in your organization must pull together. To achieve this, the corporate strategy must be just as clear and effective as the portfolio management. This controls the time and money that flows into product and service development. This ensures that you orient and focus further development on customer needs. 

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clear product- and service strategies: 
satisfy customers and avoid waste

Clear product and service strategies

Derived from your corporate strategy and the underlying customer needs, you set up product and service strategies. This ensures that your customers are satisfied and that your organization avoids waste in unnecessary product features.

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Value stream orientation

The organizational and process structure of your organization should be based on the value streams. This is the only way your organization can ensure that there are no unnecessary waiting times and friction losses in the creation of products and the delivery of services. Efficient delivery requires an orientation towards the value streams of your organization.

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value stream orientation: 
efficient delivery, less waiting time
positive corporate culture: 
support improvements, increase employee satisfaction

positive corporate culture

In order for your organization to regularly work on real improvements, it needs a positive corporate culture. Your culture should support a positive attitude towards error handling and the implementation of improvements. It should be characterized by respect and transparency so that employees have the courage to act and implement improvements.

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good teamwork

The basis for your responsive and performant organization is good teamwork. It is often characterized by agile ways of working. This allows you to keep your teams' work flowing, ensure short lead times and minimize and deal with disruptions when they occur. Good teaming turns your individual experts into a team that masters challenges together.

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good team work: 
increase outcome
coordinated, goal-oriented cross-team collaboration: 
increase outcome, improve quality

Cross-team collaboration

Where teams need to collaborate and work together towards a common goal, you need structured coordination. You can achieve this with many good practices from scaling frameworks. The main focus here should be on choosing the right practices for your organization and for the type of collaboration.

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Practiced responsiveness

Your organization should learn to quickly adapt its strategy, products and services as well as its organizational design to changing market situations. This requires not only continuous market observation but also regular experimentation. Your organization must remain agile and should not "rest on its laurels". A robust product design or service design is important for this, so that adjustments can be implemented quickly and as leanly as possible.

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practiced responsiveness: 
master real organizational responsiveness

Dealing with constraints

There are a number of framework conditions to which organizations must adapt. Be it laws or regulations - depending on the industry and products or services, they can be very extensive. In many places, organizations react to these types of framework conditions by hindering change because there is a risk that they may no longer comply with the regulations. This is where experts are needed who can reduce these regulations to the essentials and stick to the actual requirements - not to the implementations that have already been decided in the organization.

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We are happy to help.

We are happy to support you in making your organization more capable of delivering. Write us an e-mail, we will be happy to call you or arrange an appointment directly.

How do you achieve greater delivery capability for your organization?

In order to find the right and most important steps for your organization on the way to more delivery capability, you should take a look at the status quo. We can assess this together with you. To do this, we talk to various stakeholders in your organization and carry out a brief and systematic information gathering and analysis. We have the results reviewed by those involved and thus create initial legitimacy in your organization for the next steps.

Check the delivery capability of your organization with this self-assessment.

Our self-assessment gives you the opportunity to specifically evaluate the delivery capability of your structures yourself - divided into 7 categories with a total of 23 precise questions. Each answer provides valuable insights and specific recommendations for your organization. 

This self-assessment gives you an initial overview of the areas in which it may be worth investing in improvements. You evaluate various aspects of the above-mentioned topics for your organization yourself. This gives you an initial insight into which topics are at the top of your priorities and where the first steps should be taken. We will be happy to support you in further discussions in order to successfully plan the next steps.

Your contact person:

Claudia Raak

wibas GmbH

Claudia Raak

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt


+49 6151 5033490