
Turnaround: stabilize, realign, become fit for the future

Whether acute crisis or strategic realignment - companies are always faced with the challenge of adapting to changing market conditions and remaining competitive in the long term. A successful turnaround requires decisive action, clear structures and an effective concept that both secures stability and opens up new growth opportunities.

Our consulting services include both Turnaround as well as Restructuring. While reorganization is about restoring financial stability and securing the company in the short term, restructuring aims to strategically realign business models, processes and structures. In both cases, we support companies with a structured, practical approach - from in-depth analysis and the development of viable concepts through to consistent implementation.

Your contact person:

Malte Foegen

wibas GmbH

Malte Foegen

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt


+49 6151 5033490