Success Story

 iTOPS.TheNextLevel: Agile transformation at dwpbank

The Deutsche WertpapierService Bank AG (dwpbank for short), Germany's leading provider of securities services with around 1,200 employees, took its first steps towards an agile transformation with the iTOPS (IT and Operations) project in 2019 and further intensified this in mid-2022 with a preliminary study (iTOPS.TheNextLevel).

The aim was to deliver solutions and services to dwpbank customers more quickly, increase the attractiveness of the bank for junior staff and transfer a major agile project to the line. Find out here how dwpbank proceeded and what positive effect the support from wibas had.

Joint action and steps towards transformationwibas reference company dwpank

After taking the first steps towards an agile organization in 2019, dwpbank first carried out a preliminary study in 2022 to create a legitimate target image for the transformation. This was followed by the planning and preparation of the pilot phase. Piloting started in January 2024 with the (cloud) platform and application management domain and will continue with the specialist units in fall 2024. The aim is for run and change units to work together on an equal footing in future.

In close cooperation with wibas, dwpbank went through the following steps: 

  • Preliminary study: analysis of the existing status quo and development of a target image for the transformation
  • Pilot preparation: Planning and preparation of the pilot
  • Piloting support: 
    • Accompanying the iTOPS.TheNextLevel transformation team 
    • Coaching the pilot teams and the agile roles Scrum Master, Product Owner, Agile Coach, People Lead and Domain Lead 
  • Creation of a target image for agile project and portfolio management (lean portfolio management)
  • Preparing the agile transformation of the entire bank: the roadmap and steps to achieve the target image after piloting
  • Training measures, certifications and workshops: Implementation of extensive training and certification measures to support the transformation

wibas contribution - impact and positive effects

  • Expertise and best practices: wibas contributed valuable expertise and best practices to the change process
  • Accompanying change processes: wibas is a great and pragmatic support in managing change processes 
  • Moderation of different interests and sensitivities: wibas succeeds in mediating between different interests and stakeholders so that everyone works together in the end
  • Capacities and skills: wibas bridges a lack of internal capacities and skills through Interim Agile Coaches. In addition, wibas empowers relevant people and teams through training and coaching to be effective in their new roles

Insights and learnings:

dwpbank has gained valuable insights from the preliminary study and pilot process, which will now be used for further planning of the agile transformation of the entire bank.

"Together with wibas, the internal core team was able to prepare the pilot very well. In addition, supporting the agile pilot teams would have been much more time-consuming and less efficient without the agile coaches from wibas. It should be emphasized here that dwpbank's internal agile coaches also provided excellent support."

- Andre Liebrucks, client of the agile transformation project

"The change process of an agile transformation should not be underestimated. Here, wibas provides a lot of good input from its wealth of experience on how to accompany this change process sensibly and, in particular, how to take all employees along on the agile journey."

- Anja Schmalacker, Project Manager Agile Transformation

"Thorough and well-considered planning and procedures are essential for the success of an agile transformation."

- Jan Willemsen, Product Owner Agile Transformation

Would you also like to experience a success story?

Contact us or make an appointment directly with one of us. We are Timo Foegen, Yvonne Fischer, Tina Eisoldt, Daniel Votta and Lutz Koch.

Your contact person:

Caroline Haußmann

wibas GmbH

Caroline Haußmann

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 503349-0