Design Thinking Poster
Design Thinking Essence: The poster provides an overview of the principles and process of the method.
Ideal for any team
The poster brings together the most common design thinking schools and offers all important information clearly structured and designed at a glance. Ideal for every team in the Design Thinking process and to work together.
Design Thinking Poster (german)
The price is composed only as cost price (printing, packing and shipping).
Free knowledge: the current version as free PDF
If you need the poster immediately, you can download it here (german version).
Order information
Price quotations are subject to change.
Prices include statutory value added tax.
Prices include packing and shipping.
You will receive an invoice. Within Germany the poster will be shipped rolled in a poster box.
Outside Germany the poster will be sent folded by letter post.
Prices for international shipping in poster box and higher quantities on request.
Shipping and invoicing are done in the name and on account (in Euro) of wibas GmbH, Darmstadt.
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wibas offers start-up support for agility, lean and new work. With us, you can get started right away with Scrum, Kanban, SAFe and Lean.
Design Thinking
Initiating innovations, developing new ideas and solving problems. Developing solutions that really inspire customers.
Agile organization
Becoming an agile organization is a goal for many companies. Associated with this is the desire to become more responsive and to be able to adapt more quickly to changing markets.
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