About us
Our values are important to us.
Agile values shape our work and the way we learn at wibas. Nevertheless, at some point we asked ourselves: What distinguishes us, what do we want to stand for as an organization, as a team and also personally? Heart and soul, honesty, being a learning and adapting organization, teaming and co-creativity are especially important to us. What this means "in real life" is shown by these very individual and personal examples from our everyday life.
...is invested when Timo and Yvonne develop a completely new training for a customer that is not available anywhere else "off the shelf" or when our CEO Malte maintains a database on the couch on the weekend – simply because he enjoys it.

Honesty - openly dealing with facts and emotions
...we cultivate when we openly tell customers that something didn't work out sometimes. We also experience it when we really let off steam in retrospectives – and use the resulting energy for change.

Learning and adapting organization
...means, for example, that we plan and adjust together again and again in sprint changes and thereby optimally align sales, marketing and delivery. Or when we establish formats such as communities of practice, both at our company and at our customers.
... we experience when Lutz and Volker travel together to the customer and develop custom-fit individual solutions together with him – or also when Daniel and Astrid share the role of Scrum Masters in a customer team and the customer benefits from this because there is no "break", but synergy.
...we live when we staff a work team cross-functionally and all those involved have the same influence. Or when Frank falters during a workshop preparation, but then calls Timo and Jörg in - and together they break the knot in the "flow" and make decisive progress.

Other values that are important to us include: Consistency, Sustainability, Flexibility, Professionalism, Aura, Willingness to serve, Appreciation, Mindfulness, Enthusiasm. If you want to learn more about them, feel free to visit us and ask us questions in front of our "values wall".
Values at wibas - a blog post
What values shape our work? What drives us wibasians?
Our principles
The basis of our work are our employees and our principles.
We wibasians
We are looking for ...
... people with talent for consulting and more.
wibas teams introduce themselves
Will be happy to tell you more about working at wibas:
Sybille Besecke
wibas GmbH
Sybille Besecke
Otto Hesse St. 19B
64293 Darmstadt
+49 6151 503349-23