digital wibas magazine
People in change
wibas is writing a new magazine. Unlike the four previous issues, the fifth will be published digitally, gradually, two to three times a year - as a newsletter with links to our blog. There you can read the articles in full. You can subscribe to the newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything. Issue 01/21 is about people in change.
Under what circumstances do we find change easy?
We examine what starting points we have as coaches and consultants and how we can enable changes toward new ways of working - for our clients and also internally. The result is a kaleidoscope of articles about the path to "New Work". We want to describe successes, name thinking traps and share our own experiences. The articles are subjective, personal and therefore very different. This should reflect our diversity and invite you to browse. What is today's newsletter about? We present a coaching approach from Positive Psychology. You will gain insight into our reflections on inner and outer change. We reflect on happiness at wibas. And we share our insights on how the work of internal auditors is changing.
Inner growth processes as part of successful transformations
Or: What happens when we solve external structures? Change initiatives often describe how external structures and processes in organizations should change. It is easy to overlook the fact that external change also requires internal growth. We present two models that offer an introduction to this. Read more>>
Agile work and positivity in coaching
Tears of relief and joy at seeing oneself in a positive light and thus accepting oneself even more as one is. These were the reactions to our coaching sessions with the Agile Masters. We married our insights from Positive Psychology with agile working in coaching. And the reaction of the coachees is confirmation enough that we are exactly on the right track. Read more>>
Conjuring up satisfaction: What does it take for people in organizations to do well?
How are people doing at wibas in lockdown? I conduct a survey by phone and ask "magic wand" questions: What does it take for people to do well in organizations? Engaging with the answers leads us down a path to addressing happiness. Read more>>
Your contact person:
Caroline Haußmann
wibas GmbH
Caroline Haußmann
Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B
64293 Darmstadt
+49 6151 503349-0