
Something for everyone: Scrum, Kanban and Design Thinking

Agility is rapid responsiveness to succeed in a complex marketplace. Agile frameworks provide guidance to get started with agility.

Agility as a response to the VUCA challenge

VUCA stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Today's market environments are often VUCA. In addition, the speed is increasing: every two years, the period of an innovation cycle is cut in half. Agile ways of working help to succeed in such an environment. Agile frameworks are proven  "cooking recipes" to get started with agility. They provide solutions to apply agile in a concrete way in different work situations. The three most important frameworks are: Scrum, Kanban and Design Thinking.

Different tasks require different forms of agile work

There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to agility, but different frameworks for different work situations.

  • Scrum is the best known agile framework. The use of Scrum makes sense when it comes to the development or maintenance of a product. Product can be a service, hardware or software.

  • Kanban is the most flexible of all frameworks. This makes Kanban universally applicable. To start with Kanban is easy, to become good with Kanban needs a lot of patience and spit.

  • Design Thinking is used to generate new ideas and products. So it is rather ahead of Scrum and Kanban.

  • Agile scaling is anything where we have more than one team, so we use Scrum and/ or Kanban in multiple teams, and in turn organize the collaboration of these teams fractally with Scrum or Kanban.

These were only the most important frameworks.

Scrum, Kanban and Design Thinking are the most widely used frameworks – but of course that's not all. There is a whole range of agile frameworks and techniques. We give an overview in our german paperback Agility compact.

Your contact person:

Sascha Geßler

wibas GmbH

Sascha Geßler

Otto Hesse St. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 503349-0