
Successful start for your Agile Release Train (ART) and your first PI Planning

A successful launch of your Agile Release Train (ART) is crucial for the success of your agile transformation. We support you during the preparation of such an ART up to the launch. Together we lay the foundation for a successful first PI Planning. 

Request ART Launch now

Secure our support for your ART Launch and the first PI Planning now.

Contact us. We are Timo Foegen, Yvonne Fischer, Tina Eisoldt, Daniel Votta and Lutz Koch and we are looking forward to your request. 

„Together we will bring your ART to life.”

ART Launch Workshops: Your path to a successful Agile Release Train

Together we organize a series of ART launch workshops and carry them out. In these workshops, we plan the ART launch and team composition. We also create the vision, an initial roadmap and backlogs, and we set up a Kanban board together. Last but not least, we set up the necessary tools and documentation approaches (e.g. in JIRA or Confluence).

SAFe Training: Interactive and Experience Based

Start of PI PlanningWith our interactive and through many simulations experience-based SAFe Trainings we train all participants in SAFe. Choose between in-house training and open training slots. We optimally prepare executives as well as key roles such as product management, product owner, release train engineer and scrum master. Our simulation-based SAFe for Teams Training lets teams experience an entire PI interval. Our focus: More practical experience, less theory for successful implementation.

PI Planning: Coaching for preparation, implementation and follow-up 

We support you in the organization of the first PI Planning-events. In this context we optimally prepare the key roles such as the Product Management and the Release Train Engineer (RTE). Together we design the agenda and the moderation of the PI planning. During the event we accompany the ART Leadership Team. Depending on your wishes and needs, we can also assist the teams during the event. The follow-up on ART and team level completes our offer.

Our professional support ensures a good start to the Agile Release Train

With our support you get:

  • A jointly developed ART vision and backlog for the first PI.

  • A targeted preparation of the key persons for their roles in the ART

  • A structured and goal-oriented process of the first PI Planning

  • An efficient use of the available capacities, as well as positive energy and enthusiasm for the tasks ahead and the SAFe transformation. This is especially crucial for the first ART.

Take advantage of our many years of expertise

As an experienced consulting firm, we have already conducted ART launches in many different industries and with numerous customers. Thanks to our expertise and experience - not only in SAFe, but in Agile techniques in general - we guarantee sound preparation, execution and follow-up. If required, we also offer the workshops in a well-designed virtual version on the Miro platform.


Tina Eisoldt

wibas GmbH

Tina Eisoldt

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 503349-0