Upcoming Events

14th Annual International Conference Digital Transformation 2024

On November 26 and 27, the 14th International Annual Conference on Digital Transformation will take place in Leipzig this year. The conference is a great networking event. This year, we are looking forward to being there at a stand for our customers and to the presentation by our colleagues.

Conference for best practices in digital transformation

The Annual Digital Transformation Conference is the leading conference for best practices in digital transformation, with a focus on transformation & change on the one hand and customer experience & data management on the other. Case studies, panel discussions and workshops will be held on both topics. The presentation by our colleagues Frank Eberhard and Caroline Haussmann will take place in the Transformation & Change track on November 26.

Lecture: Leadership in Complexity: Effective Leadership in the 21st Century

The world of business offers more complexity than we can ignore. Modern approaches make uncertainty and ambiguity manageable. What is the contribution of good leadership when an overview is difficult and what are the characteristics of an effective leader?

Caroline Haußmann and Frank Eberhard present the leadership model that has made many successful transformations possible. Fasten your seatbelts for an update on leadership from the perspective of the person in charge in the 21st century!

Come along, there are still tickets available. We look forward to a lively exchange.


wibas GmbH


Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt


+49 6151 5033490