
Make your portfolio lean & agile through Lean Portfolio Management.

To survive as a company in the digital age, you need responsive portfolio management. Lean & agile methods help with this. We support you in setting up lean portfolio management that links the value streams with the corporate strategy and makes them capable of acting with a high level of decision-making power and financial freedom.

Book your Lean Portfolio Management consulting now! 

We – Timo Foegen, Yvonne Fischer, Tina Eisoldt, Daniel Votta and Lutz Koch – look forward to providing you with customized support to ensure the success of your business portfolio.

Into a digitalized future with lean portfolio management 

We support you in the introduction of a SAFe compliant Lean Portfolio Management, that optimizes strategic alignment, budgeting, coordination and control of your value streams. Our consulting supports you in setting up efficient and fast portfolio processes that increase your responsiveness to market changes. This is achieved through the use of Kanban systems, flexibility in capacity allocation and control, and targeted decentralized decisions in product development.

With wibas you master the change in Portfolio Management

Our portfolio-level consulting supports you in the effective alignment and coordination of your value streams (in SAFe: Value Streams). We accompany you in the establishment and design of your Lean Portfolio. We define roles, events and artifacts with you. Together we design a Kanban system, which supports you in a regular decision-making process. We help you to select the necessary tools together with Lean Portfolio Management. We create a common understanding of tasks and responsibilities and establish an efficient workflow at portfolio level.

Benefit from our uniqueness

Our SPCs bring valuable experience from SAFe and Lean Portfolio implementations. In addition, we know the methods used in depth: we are experts in Kanban, know Lean Startup, and understand OKR and Participatory Budgeting. As a management consultancy, we accompany many clients in their strategy, and understand the connection of value streams with the corporate strategy in everyday life. Our consulting is individually tailored to your needs and ensures a sustainable implementation of Lean Portfolio Management in your organization. With wibas you will get a partner for your way to agility.


Malte Foegen

wibas GmbH

Malte Foegen

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 503349 0