Scrum Consultation -
Every second Tuesday
Do you have questions about Scrum or Agile? Find answers to your questions here.
Our colleague Anna Rudat offers a Scrum office hour every second Tuesday. Here you can discuss all your Questions about Scrum or Agile with Anna.

Get answers in the Scrum office hours
You have basic questions about Scrum? You have questions about your implementation of Scrum? You think about which Scrum training suits you?
Anna will be happy to answer all your questions, also about our Trainings, like what is taught in which training, does a training fit your experience or what are our trainers like, etc.?
If you have any questions, just drop by. You can find the link to join below.
When exactly does the Scrum office hour take place?
It takes place every second Tuesday.
The next dates are:
- 18.03.2025, 19:30 - 20:00 - How to organize as a Scrum Master?
- 01.04.2025, 11:30 - 12:15 - How to engage with stakeholders
Every second Tuesday
No registration required, just drop by
From 19:30 to 20:00
With Anna Rudat
Remote via Teams - You can find the link in the dates above
What's actually happening?
Are you wondering how a Scrum consultation works? What kind of questions are asked? That is totally different. Here you can find a small excerpt as an example in a blog post.
Or here the Link to our 3rd office hour as live stream
Scrum Consultation Hour - Questions and Answers
I offer a Scrum office hour every second Tuesday. Here you can get rid of all your questions about Scrum, Agile, etc. [...]
Scrum: the agile framework for developing solutions to complex problems. Creates more value in less time.
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
You are curious about Scrum, how Scrum works and how it helps to be more productive? You want to experience Scrum and its added value? You are looking for a training to become a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) that is a workshop and does not require slides? Then you are right here at wibas.
Your contact:
Anna Rudat