
New framework conditions - Lean and benefit-oriented implementation 

There are a number of framework conditions to which organizations must adapt. Be it laws or regulations - depending on the industry and products or services, they can be very extensive. Many organizations often react to such framework conditions by blocking change. The reason for this is the risk that certain regulations may no longer be complied with as a result of the changes. This is where experts are needed who can reduce the regulations to the essentials and focus on the actual requirements - rather than on previous, fixed implementations within the organization.

Challenges in implementing new regulatory requirements and standards 

New framework conditions such as security requirements, compliance specifications, quality standards, etc. pose challenges for many organizations. These requirements are often seen as an obstacle to Customer focus and delivery capability as they are quickly translated into strict processes and rigid structures. It is crucial not to see the requirements themselves as a problem, but rather the way in which they are implemented. 

The trick is to fulfill these requirements in essence without making processes unnecessarily complicated. Instead of implementing the new regulations by the book, we recommend that organizations take a benefit-oriented approach. In this way, compliance with the requirements can be streamlined and targeted - in the interests of customers and without compromising delivery capability.

Our principles for the successful implementation of new regulatory requirements and standards

In order to implement new framework conditions efficiently and in a customer-oriented manner, we recommend alignment with the following 5 principles:

  1. Focus on the essentials: Instead of completely incorporating every requirement into existing structures, the key points are identified and implemented in a targeted manner.
  2. Create lean processes: Simplified processes and minimal bureaucracy ensure compliance without hindering the flow of work.
  3. Ensure flexibility in everyday life: By integrating rules directly into existing processes, the organization remains capable of acting and can react quickly to changes.
  4. Regular adjustment and review: Continuous feedback loops and adjustments ensure that all processes remain up-to-date and efficient, even when requirements change.
  5. Keeping an eye on customer centricity: The focus always remains on customer needs and the ability to deliver, so that regulatory requirements and standards do not become an obstacle but the basis for effective work.

How we implement new regulations and guidelines

Compliance guidelines 

Instead of introducing lengthy approval procedures for new measures, we integrate the necessary checks directly into existing work processes so that the guidelines are continuously adhered to and the organization remains capable of acting.

Safety standards

Together with IT security experts and developers, we identify the really important protective measures from ISO 27001 and integrate them directly into your processes. We develop your processes in such a way that short feedback loops and regular tests of your IT infrastructure ensure that all standards are reliably met.

Quality standards 

We implement quality requirements, such as ISO 9001, by setting up a cross-functional team that checks the relevance and up-to-dateness of the guideline, thus continuously reducing the demands on the organization so that quality maintenance can be harmoniously integrated into the daily work routine and the organization can continue to deliver.

Mastering new regulatory requirements and standards

Contact us or make an appointment directly with one of us. We are Timo Foegen, Yvonne Fischer, Tina Eisoldt, Daniel Votta and Lutz Koch. We look forward to supporting your company in the implementation of new regulatory requirements and standards.

Your contact person:

Lutz Koch

wibas GmbH

Lutz Koch

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 5033490