
Agile Usergroup Rhein-Main on 20.06.24 at wibas: Agile Transformation

We love change and accompany many agile transformations! We therefore invite you on 20.06.24 from 17:30 as part of the Agile User Group Rhine-Main to the Lean Coffee Ask Me Anything at wibas in Darmstadt ;.

What are your questions on the topics of transformation and agility?

Bring them all with you and together in the Meetup we will find initial answers to your questions and challenges. 

Overview of the Meetup series on Agile Transformation:

  1. Why do we need an agile transformation? Or change is truly agile  
  2. How can we successfully master the transformation? Or with many small changes to the goal!
  3. What does leadership in transformation mean? Or leading by example!
  4. How successful is my transformer? Or measure the effect of my transformation!
  5. What responsibility do I actually take on in the agile transformer? Or my personal path to change!
  6. Agile Transformation: Ask me anything!   <-- here we are on 20.06.

Host: Caroline Haußmann

Caroline Haußmann is a Senior Agile Coach at wibas and has been supporting clients in agile transformations for many years. She is an expert in Scrum, agile organizational design and change management. Caroline is highly valued by her clients at management and employee level for her broad experience in dealing with complex issues.

Host: Stephanie Lohß

Stephanie Lohß is an agile coach, scrum and change trainer at wibas and has been supporting clients with changes, including agile transformations, for many years. As an expert in agility, scrum and change management, she is valued at management and employee level for her pragmatic and emphatic approach to people and situations.

Meetup at wibas in Darmstadt

wibas GmbH
Management Consultants

Otto-Hesse-Straße 19 B
64293 Darmstadt


Your contact person:

Caroline Haußmann

wibas GmbH

Caroline Haußmann

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 503349-0