About us

We wibasians

We wibasians are not only a special breed of people. We are also connected by many events and rituals that lead to shared learning and working experiences - and to funny or exciting anecdotes.


The Spike has been around since wibas was founded. It has always been important to us to exchange ideas and learn from each other. For this purpose, we always take the last Friday of the month and use a variety of formats - open space, plenary lectures or fishbowl discussions. We discuss the success factors in current projects, give each other appreciative feedback or share our knowledge on new findings. Be it from an exciting reference book or a coaching training that someone is currently going through. Of course, there is room for personal exchange - and we also just chat over a cappuccino or tea.

Strategy Spike3 people plan refinement on planning wall

The January Spike has had a theme for several years: the strategic direction that provides the framework for our work and from which we derive our goals. We all work this out together. There is a group of wibasians who do market research in advance and prepare strategic aspects - but ultimately the strategy is then developed in an intensive 2-day workshop. Whether it's office staff, management or consultants: everyone contributes to ensuring that plans and ideas are given a hand and a footing and do not gather dust in ivory towers.

a section of a planning wall with different colored postitsSprint change

wibas itself works according to agile principles and events. Our concrete epics and features, which we derive from the strategy, are divided into user stories or editable bites in the monthly sprint change, which we plan, implement and synchronize together within the teams. Of course, reviews and retro formats are also part of this, so that we can appreciate what we have already achieved and constantly improve what we are doing. We don't do things by halves.


The Academy is our most intensive internal rubbing shoulders and learning together. Topics that need more space than a one-day spike have room, passion and time for development in three days. The topics are diverse and inspiring: sometimes it's a hackathon to create our wibas magazine, sometimes it's the conception of a new wibas change method and sometimes it's the redesign of our website. We like to combine work with pleasure. That's why we also end the evenings with a barbecue together and a multi-course meal at our favorite French restaurant. 


wibas has grown out of a circle of friends. To maintain, cultivate and expand this special character, we set sail together. With a few exceptions, we always sail on the Dutch Wadden Sea or Ijsselmeer during Ascension Day. This different kind of teamwork and the associated exercise strengthens our close bond - and is a wonderful way to unwind together. 


a team of 5 people plans next work steps on a planning wallTeam days

We not only work exclusively with and at the customer, but are members of self-organized teams with common interests and visions. This team structure enables us to work together on focused topics. At the same time, it serves as a harbor that people like to go to in order to exchange personal ideas, cook together and spend team evenings.

Curious to hear more stories from our daily work and wibas life? 

Then check out our Blog drop by and learn more about what it's like to work at wibas.

Will be happy to tell you more about working at wibas:

Sybille Besecke

wibas GmbH

Sybille Besecke

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt


+49 6151 503349-23