About Us
The company wibas, its people and its history. Here you can find out everything there is to know about wibas.
Why wibas exists
Learn what drives us and what makes wibas special.
Our principles
We share three basic principles at wibas: Entrepreneurship, professionalism and teaming with our clients.
People at wibas
Every wibasian is unique and individual. At the same time, we have a strong common core that makes us unique together.
Three personalities. One direction. The founders represent the corporate vision of making work and business better in the 21st century.
Partner & Network
Teaming and cooperation are part of our everyday work. Learn more about our membership in renowned institutes and associations and our cooperation with selected companies.
Social commitment
We support good ideas with our consulting. Apply here.
Sustainable action is part of our social responsibility. Avoiding, reducing and offsetting CO2: This is the motto that increasingly determines our actions in the coming years.
Gender Neutral Language
Our approach to making language inclusive.
always available for you:
Jana David