
Publications - Our knowledge, beautifully presented

Publications and materials from wibas. Beautifully edited so that you can use it for your work in the 21st century. 


Agile Compact (english)

The book briefly describes important agile frameworks and techniques and gives an orientation on when to use what.
x 14.95 €

Agilität Kompakt (german)

The book briefly describes important agile frameworks and techniques and gives an orientation on when to use what.
x 14.95 €

Design Thinking Poster (german)

The poster brings together the most common design thinking schools and offers all important information clearly structured and designed at a glance.
x 19.90 €

Kanban Compact (english)

This pocket book contains all elements of the Kanban method – briefly and concisely. With helpful checklists.
x 8.95 €

Kanban Compact (german)

This pocket book contains all elements of the Kanban method – briefly and concisely. With helpful checklists.
x 8.95 €

Map of Change (english)

Take small trips on the Map of Change and gain an insight into the world of successful change management.
x 29.95 €

Map of Change (german)

Take small trips on the Map of Change and gain an insight into the world of successful change management.
x 29.95 €

Organisation in a Digital Age (german)

Provides proven patterns to set up teams, units, and organizations according to the principles of Agile and Lean.
x 39.95 €

Planning Poker Card Deck

This deck includes 4 sets of estimation cards and instructions for Planning Poker in English and German.
x 11.90 €

Scrum Compact (english)

A handy DIN A6 booklet with all relevant information about Scrum, as well as additional knowledge and helpful checklists.
x 8.95 €

Scrum Kompakt (german)

A handy Din A6 booklet with all relevant information about Scrum, as well as additional knowledge and helpful checklists.
x 8.95 €

Scrum Poster (english)

A clearly structured presentation of the Scrum elements based on the current Scrum Guide. Ideal for any office where agile teams work together.
x 19.90 €

Scrum Poster (german)

A clearly structured presentation of the Scrum elements based on the current Scrum Guide. Ideal for any office where agile teams work together.
x 19.90 €

The Ultimate Scrum Guide 3.0 (german)

The Ultimate Scrum Guide is an easy to read book about Scrum. This book is designed to read from front to back, but also by jumping to specific topics.
x 34.95 €

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