
Map of Change

We invite you on a journey into change management. Come along and follow us on the winding paths of the "Bleak Forest" out into the "Base Camp of Change".

Discover change management in a playful way

Take small day trips to the "City of Ideas" or the "Island of Good Practices" and gain – always with a twinkle in your eye – an insight into and overview of the world of successful organizational development or change management.

Map of Change (german)

Map of Change (german)

Take small trips on the Map of Change and gain an insight into the world of successful change management.
x 29.95 €
Map of Change (english)

Map of Change (english)

Take small trips on the Map of Change and gain an insight into the world of successful change management.
x 29.95 €

Your order includes the map as a four-color print in DIN A1 and an insert with explanations.

Let us help you use the map of change

You want to use the map of change for events, meetings or other events? We can support you and provide ideas. Give us a call.

Order information

  • The price quotations are subject to change.

  • All prices include statutory value added tax.

  • Prices include packing and shipping.

  • You will receive an invoice. Within Germany the poster will be shipped rolled in a poster box.

  • Outside Germany the poster will be sent folded by letter post.

  • Prices for international shipping in poster box and higher quantities on request.

  • Shipping and invoicing are done in the name and on account (in Euro) of wibas GmbH, Darmstadt.

Will gladly take care of their order:

Service Team

wibas GmbH

Service Team

Otto Hesse St. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 5033490