
Analyze and interpret measurement data.


Measurement data are analyzed as planned, additional analyses are conducted as necessary, results are reviewed with relevant stakeholders, and necessary revisions for future analyses are noted.

Example Work Products

  1. Analysis results and draft reports


1. Conduct initial analyses, interpret results, and draw preliminary conclusions.

The results of data analyses are rarely self evident. Criteria for interpreting results and drawing conclusions should be stated explicitly.

2. Conduct additional measurement and analysis as necessary and prepare results for presentation.

Results of planned analyses can suggest (or require) additional, unanticipated analyses. In addition, these analyses can identify needs to refine existing measures, to calculate additional derived measures, or even to collect data for additional base measures to properly complete the planned analysis. Similarly, preparing initial results for presentation can identify the need for additional, unanticipated analyses.

3. Review initial results with relevant stakeholders.

It may be appropriate to review initial interpretations of results and the way in which these results are presented before disseminating and communicating them widely.

Reviewing the initial results before their release can prevent needless misunderstandings and lead to improvements in the data analysis and presentation.

Relevant stakeholders with whom reviews may be conducted include intended end users, sponsors, data analysts, and data providers.

4. Refine criteria for future analyses.

Lessons that can improve future efforts are often learned from conducting data analyses and preparing results. Similarly, ways to improve measurement specifications and data collection procedures can become apparent as can ideas for refining identified information needs and objectives.

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