
Preparation for service system transition is conducted.


Thorough planning enables a smooth transition of service system components into the delivery environment. Compatibility analysis is critical to this preparation and is addressed in this goal. Additionally, proactive, well thought-out transition plans with accompanying notification and training strategies clarify the transition, thus eliciting buy-in from relevant stakeholders.

As part of preparing for service system transition, review the operational concepts and scenarios for the service system and tailor them as necessary to help ensure that planning is sufficiently thorough. Also review the criteria for service system acceptance to ensure that the service system meets those criteria.

Preparing for service system transition also requires an evaluation of the potential impact of the transition on quality attributes. Quality attributes are key properties of the service and service system (e.g., responsiveness, availability, security) important to achieving business or mission objectives. (See the definition of “quality attributes” in the glossary.) For example, a poorly planned transition can negatively affect service availability or security of service delivery.

The practices that address this goal should begin while new or changed service system components are still under development. By doing so, the needs and constraints for transition can be considered during the component’s development.


SST.SP 1.1 Analyze Service System Transition Needs
Analyze the functionality, quality attributes, and compatibility of the current and future service systems to minimize i…
SST.SP 1.2 Develop Service System Transition Plans
Establish and maintain plans for specific transitions of the service system.
SST.SP 1.3 Prepare Stakeholders for Changes
Prepare relevant stakeholders for changes in services and service systems.