
Communicate results of measurement and analysis activities to all relevant stakeholders.


The results of the measurement and analysis process are communicated to relevant stakeholders in a timely and usable fashion to support decision making and assist in taking corrective action.

Relevant stakeholders include intended end users, sponsors, data analysts, and data providers.

Example Work Products

  1. Delivered reports and related analysis results
  2. Contextual information or guidance to help interpret analysis results


1. Keep relevant stakeholders informed of measurement results in a timely manner.

To the extent possible and as part of the normal way they do business, users of measurement results are kept personally involved in setting objectives and deciding on plans of action for measurement and analysis. Users are regularly kept informed of progress and interim results.

Refer to the Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) (CMMI-DEV) process area for more information about conducting progress reviews.

2. Assist relevant stakeholders in understanding results.

Results are communicated in a clear and concise manner appropriate to relevant stakeholders. Results are understandable, easily interpretable, and clearly tied to identified information needs and objectives.

The data analyzed are often not self evident to practitioners who are not measurement experts. The communication of results should be clear about the following:

  • How and why base and derived measures were specified
  • How data were obtained
  • How to interpret results based on the data analysis methods used
  • How results address information needs


Examples of actions taken to help others to understand results include the following:
  • Discussing the results with relevant stakeholders
  • Providing background and explanation in a document
  • Briefing users on results
  • Providing training on the appropriate use and understanding of measurement results