Lean Enterprise
The steps towards a lean organization
Gap Analysis
Which products or services do we offer our customers today? Who are our
customers? What are our strengths and weaknesses? With a focused gap
analysis we can answer these questions together.
Where do we want to be in 6 months or in one year? What do we want our
customers to experience? In a workshop we will develop this picture
together with stakeholders of the organization. This establishes a
common and attractive picture of the future which the organization will
support and strive towards.
Lean Change Programm
The results of the gap analysis and the visioning workshop are used to
develop the specific strategy for a Lean Change Program for your
organization. This will be aligned with the organizations strategy and
based on the Lean Change Method.
Lean Training
Training in Lean principles and techniques as well as Change Management
aspects for the involved stakeholders is essential for a sustainable
implementation of a lean organization.
Are you looking for support for specific events?
We also support organizations in single Kaizen events, moderate workshops and make use of the appropriate Lean techniques for your needs. Examples could be:
Value chain analysis
An analysis of the steps taken to deliver a service or product to the
customer with respect to the value added by these steps. This is done to
identify unnecessary steps and costs and thus to find opportunities for
improvements and for the elimination of waste.
Setup of cross-functional teams
Transform daily work being performed by separate division or units into
work being performed by cross-functional teams, which create value in a
more streamlined manner.
You want to learn more? Call us.